Thursday, August 9, 2007

Be an Indian - an excerpt from Wings of Fire (Hon. APJ Abdul Kalam)

Why is the media here so negative?
Why are we in India so embarrassed to recognize our own strengths, our achievements?
We are such a great nation. We have so many amazing success stories but we refuse to acknowledge them.Why?
We are the first in milk production. We are number one in Remote sensing satellites. We are the second largest producer of wheat. We are the second largest producer of rice. Look at Dr. Sudarshan , he has transferred the tribal village into a self-sustaining, self-driving unit. There are millions of such achievements but our media is only obsessed in the bad news and failures and disasters.

I was in Tel Aviv once and I was reading the Israeli newspaper. It was the dayafter a lot of attacks and bombardments and deaths had taken place. The Hamas had struck. But the front page of the newspaper had the picture of a Jewish gentleman who in five years had transformed his desert into an orchid and a granary. It was this inspiring picture that everyone woke up to. The gory details of killings, bombardments, deaths, were inside in the newspaper, buried among other news.

In India we only read about death, sickness, terrorism, crime. Why are we so NEGATIVE? Another question: Why are we, as a nation so obsessed with foreign things? We want foreign T. Vs, we want foreign shirts. We want foreign technology.Why this obsession with everything imported. Do we not realize that self-respect comes with self-reliance?

I was in Hyderabad giving this lecture,when a 14 year old girl asked me for my autograph. I asked her what her goal in life is. She replied: I want to live in a developed India . For her, you and I will have to build this developed India .

India is not an under-developed nation; it is a highly developed nation.

YOU say that our government is inefficient.
YOU say that our laws are too old.
YOU say that the municipality does not pick up the garbage.
YOU say that the phones don't work, the railways are a joke, The airline is the worst in the world, mails never reach their destination.
YOU say that our country has been fed to the dogs and is the absolute pits.
YOU say, say and say. What do YOU do about it?

Take a person on his way to Singapore . Give him a name - YOURS. Give him a face - YOURS. YOU walk out of the airport and you are at your International best. In Singapore you don't throw cigarette butts on the roads or eat in the stores. YOU are as proud of their Underground links as they are. You pay $5 (approx. Rs. 60) to drive through Orchard Road (equivalent of Mahim Causeway or Pedder Road) between 5 PM and 8 PM. YOU come back to the parking lot to punch your parking ticket if you have over stayed in a restaurant or a shopping mall irrespective of your status identity... In Singapore you don't say anything, DO YOU? YOU wouldn't dare to eat in public during Ramadan, in Dubai . YOU would not dare to go out without your head covered in Jeddah . YOU would not dare to buy an employee of the telephone exchange in London at 10 pounds ( Rs.650) a month to, 'see to it that my STD and ISD calls are billed to someone else.'YOU would not dare to speed beyond 55 mph (88 km/h) in Washington and then tell the traffic cop, 'Jaanta hai main kaun hoon (Do you know who I am?). I am so and so's son. Take your two bucks and get lost.' YOU wouldn't chuck an empty coconut shell anywhere other than the garbage pail on the beaches in Australia and New Zealand .Why don't YOU spit Paan on the streets of Tokyo ? Why don't YOU use examination jockeys or buy fake certificates in Boston ??? We are still talking of the same YOU. YOU who can respect and conform to a foreign system in other countries but cannot in your own. You who will throw papers and cigarettes on the road the moment you touch Indian ground. If you can be an involved and appreciative citizen in an alien country, why cannot you be the same here in India ?

Once in an interview, the famous Ex-municipal commissioner of Bombay , Mr. Tinaikar , had a point to make. 'Rich people's dogs are walked on the streets to leave their affluent droppings all over the place,' he said. 'And then the same people turn around to criticize and blame the authorities for inefficiency and dirty pavements. What do they expect the officers to do? Go down with a broom every time their dog feels the pressure in his bowels?In America every dog owner has to clean up after his pet has done the job. Same in Japan . Will the Indian citizen do that here?'

He's right.

We go to the polls to choose a government and after that forfeit all responsibility.We sit back wanting to be pampered and expect the government to do everything for us whilst our contribution is totally negative. We expect the government to clean up but we are not going to stop chucking garbage all over the place nor are we going to stop to pick a up a stray piece of paper and throw it in the bin. We expect the railways to provide clean bathrooms but we are not going to learn the proper use of bathrooms. We want Indian Airlines and Air India to provide the best of food and toiletries but we are not going to stop pilfering at the least opportunity. This applies even to the staff who is known not to pass on the service to the public. When it comes to burning social issues like those related to women, dowry, girl child! and others, we make loud drawing room protestations and continue to do the reverse at home. Our excuse? 'It's the whole system which has to change, how will it matter if I alone forego my sons' rights to a dowry.'

So who's going to change the system? What does a system consist of ? Very conveniently for us it consists of our neighbours, other households, other cities, other communities and the government. But definitely not me and YOU. When it comes to us actually making a positive contribution to the system we lock ourselves along with our families into a safe cocoon and look into the distance at countries far away and wait for a Mr.Clean to come along & work miracles for us with a majestic sweep of his hand or we leave the country and run away.


Lets do what India needs from us.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


My last corporate trip, for the time being, is a monsoon trek to one small village called Rajmachi, having a population of about 200 ppl and located near Lonavala. This fascinating village lies on top of a mountain thus making it a small hillstation yet un-polluted by the throng of tourists.... but the details will come later, as I will describe our progress on daily basis.

2045 hrs, 27th July, 07.Friday.

Our train is supposed to leave Begumpet Rly station on 2045 hrs thus giving ample time to ppl who have yet to pack things up, and to others to finish their aerobics session at office. Of all the ppl in the office, the trekkers were Anand (runner-baba), Atul(kho-baba, later to be named langda-kini), Anil, Ajit, Rumit (yogi-baba), Nidhi (system babi), Srihari (bhai.latest), Shivank and Sagar (me i.e. chhota-baba). The ones to board the train at Begumpet were me, Srihari and Ajit. The rest all were to join us at lingampally. Considering the fact that we didn't get our seats adjoining to each other, we had quite a good time in the train. We started off with having snacks, where Srihari's guavas(:-)) did much to sate our hunger, and then arranging our luggage, etc. After a bit of chatting, all of us got into our berths to sleep.

0630 hrs, 28th July,07.Saturday

Almost everyone woke up at around 0600 and started off with their daily chores... Once settled, we decided to have breakfast from ComeSum on Pune station. And what a variety, vada-pav from pune station, cheese-rolls, kachoris, samosa, idli-sambar, from ComeSum. Was good!!!!
Having eaten to our fill, we started playing DumbCharades, which actually lasted just about 30 minutes. The scenic beauty of the landscape soon worked its magic upon us and the gang started gazing out of the windows, going to the bogie doors to have a better gaze. Soon it was time for us to pack-up and water-proof our luggage. Thus we landed in Karjat, in midst of heavy rains, (literally cats and dogs, and all other animals that can come to one's mind).

Rumit,Anil,Srihari,Anand,Ajit,Me,Shivank, Atul

We took an auto, and rather a big one, to take us to the foot of the mountain which we were to climb. Having had a small photo-shoot over there, we started our climb towards Rajmachi. At the start of the climb, many of us, atleast me, were fully covered against the rain. But during the course till we reached the small waterfall, many had shed their raincoats and were enjoying the rain!!!

The small waterfall had other visitors too!!! Many of them had tied ropes at the top and were sliding down them to the bottom. We were satisfied with bathing in it. One more thing, some of us also did a photoshoot while stripping.!!! Thus having bathed, we had some tea and aloo-vada, we were back on our way to Rajmachi.

The trek was un-eventful, except that we came across many crabs, and stopped a while at one point to have some rest.

1630 hrs, 28th July, 07. Saturday

We reached Rajmachi, and decided to take shelter at one of the farmer's hut, where we were served with delicious tea, kanda-bhaji which was finger-licking good!! There are two forts' ruins at the place, Srivardhan and Manranjan. Except for Shivank all were ready to climb upto one of them, and so we started off for srivardhan. Along the climb, except for one small patch, where I almost felt I was acrophobic, it was easy. Finishing the climb, we decided to have a photoshoot again, with all of us in different poses, and then went on to the hut.

The most surprising thing about this place was that the lights here worked on stored solar power!!! Something which the urban engineers still need to implement.

Having finished our dinner, we started joking, and then gradually drifted into dreamless sleep.

0630 hrs, 29th July, 07. Sunday

I guess most of us woke up at this time and started finishing off with our daily chores. All of us then decided to trek to the second fort, Manranjan. This one was very much un-eventful. The view from the top was breath-taking.
What greenery!!! with waterfalls, fog around us, feeling as if we're walking in the clouds!!! the fresh smell of the morning grass with dew-drops on it!!! All so pleasent!!!

And the most astonishing thing, we came across a cactus growing near a water pool up in the fort!!!

Can someone please tell my elementary school teacher to come and take a look?

Again we had photoshoots in various poses. Coming down to the hut, we had breakfast of al00-poha, and tea, and then having paid the hut-owner, we left towards lonavala.

1015 hrs, 29th July, 07. Sunday

We started off on our way to Lonavala. This one is pretty much a straight road, with a little ascend towards the end. We had 3 stops on our way, one to appreciate a very nice view of the waterfall, second to bathe and enjoy in a small stream, and third to have some tea and biscuits on the way.

1530 hrs, 29th July, 07. Sunday

Reached Lonavala, and searching for some good restaurant to have our lunch and snacks. We all decided to eat in Annapurna. We really ate some meal!!! Sabudana khichdi, thali, puri-bhaji, tea, misal pav, plain dosa, bread-butter, etc, etc, (there are two etc s as the list is quite long).

Having had our meal, 3 of us, namely me, Shivank and Anil were supposed to catch the next train to Hyderabad, Konark express at 1745 hrs from Lonavala. Thus we bade goodbyes to each other at the entrance of A1 chikki shop and we reached station to board our train to Hyderabad.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

GOA trip-GCETians

Hi all, this is to tell you about the much planned and awaited-for recent Goa trip attended by a bunch of fun-loving, care-free, corpo-GCETians.

After facing many failed attempts(for planning a trip) during the college-period, and about a month of planning that went into this trip, these 9 dudes were finally able to hit the Goan beaches in the second year of their corporate life. This group consisted of Bhavin, Samar, Sagar (me), Shalin, Mitul, Nehul, Premal, Mayank, Siddharth, Hardik all from different locations in India, namely Pune, Hyderabad, Mumbai and Bangalore.

The dates planned for the trip were 26th-29th April, almost near the off-season period of Goan tourism. The plan was for everyone to reach Panjim by about 26th afternoon, and then searching for some hotels to put-up.

26th April: Considering the bus drivers, who never reach their destinations on the stipulated time, everyone came in at drastically different times to meet at the bus-station. Thus, Pune-Mumbai guys having reached earlier did a good job of finding a nice hotel in Calungute and reserving rooms over there. Thus all of us met at the hotel itself well in mid-afternoon, wherein everyone bathed, having travelled 14--18 hrs in a bus, chatted, and took a nice nap. The evenings were quite pleasent, so the bunch went to the beach for a walk and to have a look-around of the neighbourhood.
The evening trip to the beach was quite satisfying, some having pints of beer, some splashing around in the waves, and some capturing it in their hi-tech gadgets. There were many groups like us who had come over to Goa to relax, and fortunately we found one such group playing volleyball over at some distance. Finally we also joined in and we realized how the time flew by only when it was dark and the floodlights were lit. Paying money to the shack owner, we went to our hotel to clean up and get ready for dinner. Dinner mainly consisted of drinks, with food being taken just to fill up some space left after the drinks. Finding the beach and the food shacks to be satisfactory, it was decided to stay over at the same place for the whole duration of the trip. All had a sound sleep that night.

27th April: Early risers went to the beach for a short bath, whereas the late-latifs woke up quite near the afternoon. Having already told the hotel manager for arranging bikes for us, the proprietor was already present with a couple of bikes, from which 3 pulsars and 2 avengers were selected. This day was reserved for visiting the nearby major areas, Panjim, Mapusa, etc.
All had breakfast cum lunch at a small restaurant nearby, consisting of cheese pavbhaji, approx. 2-3 bottles of colddrinks per head, cheese pakoda, etc. The first destination was the fort shown in Dil Chahta Hai.
The journey was much more exciting and fun-filled than the destination itself. Had quite a race, and lots of shooting on the way. On the way we came across Kingfisher Villa, and some nice and rather expensive resorts. The total stay at the fort was about 1-1.5 hrs wherein we had a photo-session in different poses, made jokes and some leg-pulling, etc. which made the fort-stay quite enjoying and relaxing. After that, all of us went to Panjim, roamed around aimlessly, following any major road which might seem worth travelling. There was an incident in which Siddharth left Hardik behind and left him stranded on the road just like that!!! That was one really funny moment. After that, the trip back was uneventful, except for the fact that me and Nehul were topless for the complete ride back.
On the way back, having spotted Dominoes, we had our dinner over there, consisting of 2-3 cheese burst pizzas. These pizzas were really bursting with cheese, unlike the ones found in the metropolitan cities. Again, drinks followed, and reaching hotel, having had a chat for a while, everyone slept.

28th April: Again the early-risers had a field day, having had a chance to bathe in the sea before the routine trip started. Today's destination: all the beaches lying north of Calungute.