Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Indian Vs American (Education System)

Hello everyone, hope you all r 'njoying ur lives and r successful in ur professions, educations and the rest...

Well, I was getting a bit bored sitting over here and didn't wanna work either... when a thought occured to me " Hey!! y not let ppl know the truth about the American education system!!! especially the GRAD part..." (coz dat's wat I'm familiar wid) :-)

So, I think u all must have guessed wat happnd next... well for d ppl who r still scratching their heads.... THIS ARTCLE HAPPENED!!!

So ending here the description of my mood wen I wrote this, here goes nothing.....

First of all, to let you all know, it's just been about 6 months that I've been here. So, it's possible that my views may be biased and many other things... But, still I'm open enough so as not to name one bad and the other one good... There are pros and cons for both.

The article isn't written in tabular format, as in listing the good and bad parts of each, but it is more in the fashion of taking a particular metric and then stating the behavior of both.

So finally, here is where the article starts,.......

The biggest difference between the two systems is the manner of teaching...
In the Indian system, the prof gives a student all the basic technical knowledge required for the given course, sometimes also conceptual. But for the most parts, while studying, a student tends to lose the sight of the goal, and the knowledge becomes purely text-book based, or rather technical. This causes the student to be strong technically, such that he can easily answer questions like " what is the o/p if x is the system i/p and h is the system?" This he can easily do. But he loses concept of why the method is framed in such a manner.
Over in the American system, the profs just give an overview of what the topics cover, maybe do some derivations and examples, and leave it to the student to study for himself and finish the homeworks. This makes the students understand fast and develop a perspective of their own for the given topic. Right or Wrong? test grades tell....

This system basically tends to be partial, such that only the students who can understand fast and better can survive. The rest have to fill in some other positions, which are not as technical or as hard.
Whereas, in the Indian system, every student tends to be technically armed to a certain extent. Atleast, he would be able to earn his living remaining in the same field.

Which is better?? this is just like selecting between an "idealist and realist"... which I'm not going to answer... I will leave it to you to judge.... (BTW I know the most perfect correct answer)

Secondly, one of the major differences that I've noticed, the profs over here are still modest enough so as to accept their mistakes, even if it is in one of their works for a research... Over in India, the number is "very close to nothing"..... infinitestimal.... is what I like to term it...

Third thing that I've just realised is that the US systems, and I don't mean only educational, work in such a manner that the students are least bothered...(that explains why ppl come over here to study)... Every student is encouraged to participate in research activities and projects of his own... and profs who notice such students are more than happy to support them... frankly speaking, if a student is dedicated enough to his education, then he is not going to face any trouble. And if he does something new unasked, then that would be a credit to his name.
Over in India, there are very few Profs. who would do such kind of a thing... and I was lucky enough to have encountered two of them... But the fact still remains, that all the other systems, and not only systems but the people themselves are not inclined to be helpful to the students...
Colleges are opened up every now and then at every cross-roads and intersections, and if someone has a significant amount of money, they open up a college, just for the sake of it...

So finally I would like to conclude this article.

US education system is not as easy as many of the Indians living/visiting over here tend to think. It is tough, very tough, with loads of homework and paper presentations and weekly quizzes and the works... But still, they are all there to encourage the students to study and rise above the rest. Indian system is easy, just gobble up during the leaves and you pass the tests. A student rises above only if he is self-motivation.

American systems tend to motivate the student, Indian system requires motivation from within...

Which one would you choose???