Thursday, April 23, 2009

My Ravings - part I

Hey guys... i know i know.... long time.... but much has been goin around in my life for the past year... so had to take a break ... so now that i'm back... i will continue writing... hopefully... for a long time...

BTW recently i became a big fan of some of the american dramas like "House MD", "Lie to Me", "Life" and a talk show "The tonight show"... However if u noticed, the House is foremost on my list... so... and i find Hugh Laurie's analytical nature contagious....

The post is titled My ravings... coz ... lets face it....dats what it is....and they are there due to the disease i contracted... in the above paragraph..... some of u might be wondering why i've given a part number to this post... well to answer that question... my ravings are based on something i came across during the normal course of life and which did not make sense to me logically/rationally/mathematically/statistically,etc,etc.... and writing something like that down may give an epiffany which could clear some ideas.... i'm sure many of you have had such moments... here goes....

i dont know how many of you use social networking sites to keep in touch with your childhood friends, colleagues, classmates...etc...etc... but there is one such site i use.. called Orkut... Now Orkut has a feature called "today's fortune"... which is actually a misnomer coz it doesnt try to predict your fortune, but rather states some quotes written by someone....

anyways... my today's fortune states.... "Success usually comes to those who are too busy looking for it"....
Now isnt this quote like one of the others which goes something like "Life usually happens when you are busy planning it" ???? i mean now people have started plagiarising quotes??? how bad is that???

whatever... so my question is... if the statement is true... why do people look forward to anything??? why should anyone even try to work towards success??? i mean...face it... why does anyone do any work?? to be a certain level based on the work he/she is doing...
if anyone answers anything else to the question....better rethink....
to give examples: a student studies hard because he wants to pass with good grades.... that's success for him...
a singer rehearses thousands of times to be perfect at singing...dats success for him/her...
an engineer slogs thousands of hours working on some project so that it works perfectly without crashing... that is success for him... i can come up with thousands of examples why the quote in question is a bad one...

Edison didnt need to slog for days together to make a light bulb... he should have stayed home with his wife and kids instead of spending his life in the laboratory.... Einstein should have got married to someone and lived his life instead of spending time working out the problems of relativity....etc...etc...

if the statement were true shouldn't we all just sit around do nothing and be couch potatoes???.... i mean lets face it .... according to the guy who wrote the statement... we should be free to enjoy the success when it comes!!!! right??!!!!

But to be fair... if it is out there means someone thought it was true....

i wonder why/how....

Anyone out there....reading my post give me a logical answer...please....

also i dont know what people consider as success... but according to me the satisfaction of a job well done... and people's praise on doing it well.... are what i consider success... also i am not implying that we should stop working to enjoy our success....

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