Friday, April 24, 2009

My ravings- part II


Oh man.... this one has to be the funniest/weirdest/strangest saying of all times......

"success is the ability to go from one failure to another without loss of enthusiasm"......

Oh man.... :D :D .... no wonder people say life is a paradox.....

if you consider a person who has failed at everything that he has tried.... he has not learnt from his mistakes.... and should this person be considered successful ???.... i mean c'mon.... on one hand he has "FAILED" at everything he has done... and according to this statement, he is considered successful !!!!!... awesome...!!!!! no wonder....

House has a saying "If everyone is unique, then they are again common".... or someone else probably... but that's what it meant....

anyways, according to me, the person who wrote that statement must be pretty confused... i mean... just read the statement... just how ironical can one get !!!!! To fail continuously is the sign of success.... yeah... this person would probably award a child who kept on failing in his studies....

what more can i say???!!!!

again... if anyone is able to rationalize this statement.... please let me know....

in the mean time have fun.... and be successful !!!!

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